Elicia Epstein PM PRESS Ref. 9798887440170 Altres llibres del mateix autor
    Magic is an essential tool for healing and social change within our communities. Liberation Tarot is a collection of 79 tarot cards and accompanying guidebook, created over the course of four years by more than thirty artists and writers living in the US, Canada, France, Brazil, Palestine, and Mexic...
    Peso: 250 gr
    50,00 €
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    • ISBN : 979-88-87440-17-0
    • Data d'edició : 06/06/2024
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Autors/es : Elicia Epstein
    • Nº de pàgines : 0
    Magic is an essential tool for healing and social change within our communities. Liberation Tarot is a collection of 79 tarot cards and accompanying guidebook, created over the course of four years by more than thirty artists and writers living in the US, Canada, France, Brazil, Palestine, and Mexico. The booklet includes an introduction from deck organizer Elicia Epstein, insightful essays by adrienne maree brown and lawrence barriner ii, and beautifully crafted card descriptions from poet emet ezell. Following in the lineage of projects like Slow Holler, The Collective Tarot, and Next World Tarot, Liberation Tarot seeks to serve as a tool for those inspired towards revolution in the face of the able-centered, capitalist, heterocis-normative, white-supremacist patriarchy. Tarot helps us rewrite the vocabulary of power, and with it, to strengthen our muscles of radical, revolutionary, and abolitionist dreaming. The deck eschews conventional tarot cards like the Emperor or Knight in favor of nonhierarchical cards honoring revolutionary concepts and figures such as the Crone, the Healer, and the Rebel, among others. Figures in the deck have bodies of all shapes and sizes, colors, genders, ages, and abilities†together, elaborating a vision of collective liberation and co-resistance.

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